Customer Support Administrator  

The client support administrator role begins when the client’s website is paid for. 

Website Delivery Process 

Set up a new ‘’Website Delivery Process’’ form (WDPF) with the client’s name, customer ID and Website ID entered on the form. The form should then be filed in the ‘’Websites not live’’ folder. 
Send “welcome to It’seeze” email. The following information will need to be added: 
The date that the content is required will be 2 weeks from the date the email is sent. 
All pages that content is needed for should be listed under ‘’Witten content for each of the following web pages’’. 
Log on to Pipedrive (CRM system) and enter a reminder for one week’s time to follow up with the customer with any content and information still required. 
Send a “welcome to it’seeze websites” postcard in the post in a handwritten orange envelope. A brief handwritten message on the card should thank the client for choosing it’seeze and say that we are really looking forward to working with them to create a new website for (business name). 
As content is received from the client: 
Files should be uploaded to the client’s Pipedrive record. 
Any other information should be stored as a note on their Pipedrive record. 
The item(s) should be ticked off on the client’s WDPF. 
Until all content is received 
Make a telephone call each week to give a friendly reminder to the client to what is still required and outstanding. Also remind the client that we have people in different fields that can help if required. 
Record the call on Pipedrive and set a reminder to call again in one week. 
When all the content is received complete the design brief and send it to the Consultant for sign off and submission. 
Send a “website brief completed” email to the client and add the date (20 working days after the brief was submitted) that the site should be completed by. 
In the final paragraph, replace ‘’(date website due to be completed)’’ with the due date, and add a Calendly link for the appropriate meeting type (depending on whether it will be on zoom, at the client’s premises, or in the it’seeze Horsham office. 
Set up a deadline reminder on the client’s Pipedrive record for three days after sending the email, to remind them to book the meeting. Set up a new deadline for two days later and keep doing this until the meeting is booked. 
Approximately 17 working days the design brief has been submitted, the Design Team will email a link for the new website to it’seeze Horsham. Before sending the link to the client, the following checks need to take place: 
Compare against the design brief. If there are any discrepancies, reply to Design clearly listing anything that needs changing in order to meet the brief. 
Check metadata for all pages. If it is missing for any/all of the pages, reply to Design explaining that the metadata needs to be added in accordance with the brief. 
Click on all the email links to make sure they open an email with the correct email address on. If any don’t open, or have the wrong email address, add/correct the link and check to make sure it is now correct. Check from a desktop and also from a phone. 
Check the social media links to make sure they open the correct social media page. Check from a desktop, and also from a phone. 
On a phone, check that all phone number links start a phone call when clicked on, and that the phone number is correct. 
When you are satisfied that all is as it should be, send a “your new website email”. You will need to add the website link and the date/venue of the meeting. 
Website Review Meeting 
The site needs to reviewed systematically, starting with the header, then the footer, then all pages in the order that they appear on the website’s menu. 
All changes required by the client should be clearly documented under the heading of the relevant section (header or footer) or web page. 
When all changes have been covered, take the client through the website training process, and explain that you will set up, and email them, their username and password for the website editor, along with a link to the online editor training course. 
After the meeting, send email to the client listing the changes that are to be made, and that you will let them when these are done. 
In a separate email, send the ‘website training course and your editor login details’’ email. 
Before sending the email, set up the client’s username and password for the website editor and add them to the email. 
The username should be the email address used on the website. 
Create a unique password and use the password generator app ‘strength metre’ to ensure the password will take a least one million years to crack. 
Customer Support Administrator is to carry out all the website changes they can do, and then email the client explaining that the changes are done, except those that the Design Team need to do (and list those that Design need to do.) Ask them to confirm if everything is now OK (except any outstanding Design changes) or if anything else needs tweaking. 
Make any new changes required and email the client to advise them these are now done. Ask if we should now get Design to make the final changes required (again, list these.) 
Reply to Design’s email that contained the website link, and list the changes required. They should be laid out by section (header or footer) and page. 
When all changes are complete check against the original list of agreed changes. If satisfied that all the changes are complete email client and list the changes again and confirm that these have all been carried out. Ask if we should now start to Go Live process. 
Once the client confirms they are happy with the changes, click “Go live” on the admin system. Email the client with the “Go live requested’’ email. 
When design confirms site is live, send the client the ‘Your website is now live’ email. Add the website’s main URL. 
Put an order through for a pick ‘n’ mix box to be sent to the client. Happy Sweets will enclose an it’seeze Horsham branded card with the order, so please put this, along with the message required, on the comment box of the Happy Sweets order. 
Sign the WDPF and enter the date that the site went live. Take a copy and attach it to the Pipedrive del for that site. Shred the original WDPF. 
On Pipedrive set the deal status to live, and schedule a phone call for one month’s time, with ‘Website Review’ as the title. The website now moves to the Website Live stage. 

Email Templates All emails should be sent via Pipedrive, so a record exists for future reference. 

Welcome to it’seeze 
Thank you very much for making the upfront payment for your website, and for setting up the Direct Debit for the monthly payments. 
I have detailed below the items that I will need from you by ??, for me to be able to submit your website content & design brief to our design team. 
Items required: 
• Written content for each of the following web pages: 
• Your logo in a file such as a Jpeg 
• Any of your photos that you would like to use on your new website 
• If there are any stock images that you would like to choose, from the Getty link below, please send me the reference number of each one. Please make sure you choose from the link below, as this is the section that we have a license for. 
If you have any questions, would like any more information, or if there is anything else I can help with, just let me know. 
Website brief completed 
We have now completed the design and content brief for your new website and submitted it to our design team. 
Your site should be completed on ?? at which point we will email the link to you so that you can view your site. 
After you have had a chance to look through your site we will meet up to discuss and review it together, and establish any changes that are required before it goes live. So that we have that meeting in the diary, please book a convenient day and time from the link below. I would suggest selecting a date three or four days after the (date website due to be completed) to give yourself time to fully review your site before the meeting. 
Your new website 
I hope you’re keeping well. 
Your new website is now complete and can be seen here: 
We hope you like it, but please don’t be concerned if there are elements you are not keen on. We will go through any required changes with you at our meeting on ?? at ??, and we’ll get any changes taken care of so that you are completely happy with your site before it goes live. 
Website training course and your editor login details 
Following on from the training we did on the it’seeze website editor, please see below the link to our website editor training course. It serves as a useful reminder to our training session as it covers the main areas of the editor. 
I have set your login details for the website editor as: 
I have used that password as it is very strong, but if you want me to change it just let me know what you would like it changed to. 
Go live requested 
Thank you for confirming that you are happy for us to set your new website live. 
I have asked head office to start the process, and I will let you know when it is live. 
Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for a domain to fully propagate, so you may still see your old website for a while once your new website is live. 
Your website is now live 
We are delighted to confirm that your new website is now live (enter domain) 
Just a reminder that it can take up to 24 hours for a domain to fully propagate, so you may still see your old website for a while, even though your new site is now live. 
We have really enjoyed working with you to create your new site, and we look forward to helping you get the greatest benefit from your online presence. 
If you would be kind enough to leave a Google review for it’seeze Horsham when you get a few minutes, we would really appreciate it. If you click on the link below, after a few seconds a box will pop up where you can enter your review. 

Website Live This stage is about supporting the client once their website is live. 

There will be an initial website review one month after going live, and from then on reviews will be every three months. There must always be a website review scheduled on Pipedrive against every live site. 
First month review 
In edit mode, check the edit log for each page. Make a note of any pages that have been edited. 
After all pages have been checked, exit edit mode, and look at each page that has been edited to see if the site still looks of high quality. Checks should include the items listed below. 
Checks to include: 
New colours being introduced 
Low-resolution images being added 
Content no longer being aligned 
Lots of unnecessary whitespace 
Text not being linked up – i.e. phone numbers 
Forms not being GDPR compliant 
After carrying out a check of the website, phone the client to see how if everything is OK with their website, and is there anything they need help with. If the initial check has thrown up any issues, ask if we can help improve the situation for them. 
After the call, enter details of the discussion onto the client’s Pipedrive record for the call. Complete the action and set up a new website review for three months time. 
Three monthly review 
Put the site thorough Silktide (or click on retest if the site has been tested in the past.) 
Look into any issues flagged up. Then carry out a manual check, as below. 
In edit mode, check the edit log for each page. Make a note of any pages that have been edited. 
After all pages have been checked, exit edit mode, and look at each page that has been edited to see if the site still looks of high quality. Checks should include the items listed below. 
Checks to include: 
New colours being introduced 
Low-resolution images being added 
Content no longer being aligned 
Lots of unnecessary whitespace 
Text not being linked up – i.e. phone numbers 
Forms not being GDPR compliant 
After carrying out a check of the website, phone the client to see how if everything is OK with their website, and is there anything they need help with. If the initial check has thrown up any issues, ask if we can help improve the situation for them. 
If they haven’t carried out any changes to their site since the last review (which you will know from the edit log) ask there is any editing we can help with. 
After the call, enter details of the discussion onto the client’s Pipedrive record for the call. Complete the action and set up a new website review for three months time.