10 Website Secrets; Part 3, tell people where you are
Posted on 6th June 2018
We continue our top tips that will help your website be more beneficial to your business than it is to your competitors. This month we move on to our third tip.
Tell people where you are
Have you ever visited a company’s website, browsed their products or services, and then looked at their contact page to see where they are based? If there is no address and no local code included in the phone number, do you feel that you can trust that company, or that they have something to hide?
People like to deal with local businesses. They immediately feel an infinity with them if they know they are in the same town or county, and that helps to build trust.
Having your contact information present on every page helps your customers to reach you faster - if they have to hunt down your information to get in touch with you, they’re more likely to give up and go to a competitor.
Displaying your address can also help to boost your organic search ranking. When someone is searching for a local business or organisation, search engines will be able to easily recognise that your website is a good fit if your address in included throughout your site.
Don't leave your clients guessing where your business is located!
Next month we will look at our Top Tip No. 4 - Keep your website up to date
Can't wait to find out what our 10 Top Tips are?
If you think your business would benefit from a new website and you don't know where to start, why not have a free, non-obligation consultation with it'seeze Horsham. Call us today on 01403 610125 or send us an email, and we'll get a date in the diary.
Tagged as: Website tips
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